Are you fed up with feeling fed up about your body? Meet other women who felt exactly the same way when they first started their journey...
Kate Turner
Durham, UK | 40 Years Old | Busy Working Mummy Of 2
Chloe Barber
Bride To Be
After the first week I went for my second session and was amazed what a difference a week of eating the right things, drinking enough water and doing the right training at the gym had done to my body! This was it, I had found something that worked!!!
I've never enjoyed the gym, I never knew what to do before, now I like challenging myself with the different programs I'm given and actually spending most of my time in the weights section! I was over the moon when I could actually SEE my body changing. My wedding day arrived and not only did I fit into my wedding dress but I could actually do it up one further onto the next tightest hooks!
There are so many reasons why this post is special...
Number 1: that Susan let me post her pics.
Number 2: how proud I am of this incredible human being and the journey she has been on!!!!
"I started my journey with Vicki to help with recovery for a health condition. We built up the exercise gradually to a point where I can do things now that I previously thought were impossible. The whole program has helped with my recovery incredibly, physically, mentally and in so many ways".
Susan has grown as a person before my eyes! (And shrunk!). Her Heath condition no longer defines her. She puts herself first, resistance trains at home consistently, has completely turned her nutrition around, SETS GOALS (this is big!) and continues to level up as each month goes by!
I am so bloody proud of her!! Proud of her transformation, proud of her growth as a person, proud of her "no give up" mentality and absolutely love supporting her, it's a pleasure and an honour!!! Being a part of my membership site and tribe is sooooo much more than weight loss, its special and I am SO lucky I get to support women all over the world.
Anonymous Testimonial
Wedding Dress Size Drop
Anonymous Testimonial
Busy Mum of three
A Years Change - 2022
Feeling amazing for her wedding day
Anonymous Testimonial
Amazing 6 month transformation! 3 stone loss!
I joined at the beginning of January and have lost just short of 3 stone and soooo many cm's!! I honestly can't believe how achievable this has been and more surprisingly, how enjoyable the journey has been! I had been following Vicki on Facebook for a long time and finally plucked up the courage to contact her and join the amazing tribe - honestly, one of the best decisions I have ever made and the only regret is that I didn't do it sooner.
Before joining Vicki's amazing programme I was completely and utterly fed up and lacked zero confidence in myself. I had got to the point of not even wanting to look in the mirror and was constantly fed up of feeling so bloated and permanently exhausted and irritable. The results are showing on the scales and the measurements but most importantly that foggy permeant haze has gone and I feel energised and motivated for the next stage of my journey!
The hardwork and dedication from Vicki with the most incredible, easy to follow food and exercise plans, the constant support and guidance from both Vicki and the wonderful tribe of women on the membership site, the invaluable tribe live workouts, the abundance of information, advice and support, the inspiring podcasts and discussions. To feel part of a community all supporting, celebrating and achieving together. All this is helping me to stay motivated and achieve results. I have only just started my journey and have a long way to go but I am excited by what is to come.
A new positive mindset
I have been with Vicki's membership site now for a year and a half and it's just amazing! The nutrition and training is just brilliant, especially the weekly live workouts.
The forum of ladies is great, a real community of women supporting women be the best versions of themselves.
I am feeling so much better about myself now - I really used to hate what I saw in the mirror, my mindset is much more positive now and that's thanks to Vicki and her membership site!
Gemma Brooks
40 Years Young | Mummy Of 2 Boys | Goal: To feel confident in her own skin!
Mark Lawes
Man Plan | 50 Years Young
I've known Vicky for a lot of years, used to spend a lot of time at the gym. Then in 2011 I started to do a little running & joined a running club. Did some races got some pb's. Pb's dried up for the next 8 years, but was still a keen runner. I turned 50 in April... Came back from Skiing in Feb and was the heaviest I have ever been at 12 1/2 stone.
My partner joined Vicki's tribe, I said I would do it as well to help her stay on track. I was worried that I wouldn't be eating enough to sustain my running, how wrong I was. Then Vicki came up with the man plan which I was keen to do as well and keep me focused. I have now pb'd at 5k,10k,1/2" marathon, and 5 mile, I have also achieved my best ever xc results to date in the last 2 weekends.
Set a massive 5 mile pb at the weekend running 32min 36 sec! I have now dropped under 11 stone and all my clothes are too big! My working heart rate has also dropped significantly. Some days I slip, but I make sure I get right back on it as soon as possible. It's all in the preparation and making sure you have the right food at home or at work. Peanut butter and rice cakes at work always in case I need a snack. Beef roll up's best thing ever!
Carly Potter
30's | Single, London Commuter, Long Working Days
Joining Vicki's membership site has totally transformed my life. As someone living alone and working/commuting full time in London my attempts at dieting and healthy eating in the past has always consisted of convenience or shop bought meals and sporadic uninspired workouts at best. Thanks to the nutrition books, Vicki's amazing videos and posts, some tips from the guru's and the other members of the forum, my food has completely transformed.
I understand the importance and ease of meal prep and menu planning and have been provided with simple, uncomplicated recipes that can be batch cooked and frozen. In the words of Vicki, "Planning is Key" ! I now eat only homemade, clean fresh meals every day and no matter what my day throws at me my food is always on track! Not only does it save me money but the benefits to my health, skin and energy levels are amazing!
It also allows me to ensure I can train whenever I want to, as I now have the energy, am consistently fuelled and know I have a healthy meal waiting for me at home that will be ready in 5 minutes! The monthly programs on the site are fantastic and I love seeing a new one unlock each month, it keeps my training interesting and exciting and my body always guessing and if your ever lacking motivation the Facebook forum will soon rectify that, it's such a supportive and motivating non-judgemental space that only positivity can come from it, it's the perfect thing to check on the commute home, seeing someone post a sweaty selfie or posting about a non-scale victory is the perfect thing to give you that extra encouragement to keep going and get in a workout after a long day. I never believed that living such a healthy balanced lifestyle could be so easy and I'm so thankful that Vicki has created this site to educate women and enable them to live their best healthiest lives whatever their situation.
Katie Pearce
30 Years Young | Mummy Of 3, Post 3rd baby, C-Section Delivery
I joined Vicki's website in September 2019. I gave birth to my third daughter in June 2019 via C-Section I found recovery hard and also was not happy with my overall look and how much weight I had gained post birth. I decided enough was enough and it was time to stay working on myself a bit more.
Vicki is amazing and so supportive. And to be able to do everything online and to have that support is amazing. There is also a forum on facebook which has the most amazing supportive group of women who has each others backs. There are recipe books on the website which are delicious and so helpful for a busy mum.
The workouts are great and changes each month, the changes I have seen in my body are the best I have ever seen in my life. I am so comfortable with where i am now over 2 stone lighter and so much stronger and fitter. I will always be part of Vicki's tribe and always work hard on myself even if I am happy with where I am now. I will continue to follow the workouts and continue to eat well. I still have treats occasionally and enjoy life (everything in moderation) vicki has taught me alot and to stop overthinking about what I eat, my bad days when I've eaten a donut, weighing myself to much. I was beginning to get obsessed. I now concentrate on building my strength and nourishing my body and that it's ok to have that piece of cake now and again. Nothing is calorie counted which is great! and I have learned to listen to my body.
Holli Jarvis
Middlesbrough | Mummy Of 2
Ellie Ward
24 Years Young
I first started seeing Vicki many years ago, she has been with me through the best parts of my life & the worst! She is the most motivational woman I know, she is supportive in all that you do and will always go above and beyond to help in whichever way she can. She has taught me over the years how to become fierce and strong in the gym 💪🏽 and confident in myself. I finally walk into a room and feel confident with how I look & I owe all that and more to her, my new smile says it all. I've been with her since the start of the online plan and cannot fault it one bit.
It's there 24/7 ready for you, and so is the support from the other girlies in her tribe 👑 whether or not it's a day in the gym or going at it at home, there's stuff on there for it all! It's great as it's not just a set plan you can get bored of, you get to work your way through and unlock all new exercises! If your like me and food is a HUGE part of your life haha, then you will love her online platform, the nutrition packs are just fab. Honestly you would never regret coming to Vicki, not only do you get to train with her, you will gain a new best friend! I owe a lot to you Vicki, thank you for bringing my smile & booty back again 💕💖 Ellie xoxo.
Kelly Jarvis
46 | Mummy Of 5, Granny of 7!
I'm a mum of 5, Granny of 7!
I started with Vicki a few years ago now when I was desperately unhappy with myself. My energy levels and confidence was at its lowest. I see Vicki for PT session & I'm a member of her fantastic online membership site.
I have learnt through the support from Vicki and the membership site to love my body, treat it well and the rest follows! The membership site is like a little family, my go to place for support, motivation & to get any question answered! It's a safe, non judgmental space! Honestly, Vicki has changed my life and would change yours too!
Gemma King
39 | Working Mummy Of 2 Boys
This site is amazing it's taught me about healthy eating & exercise, it's a support network of women encouraging you on every step of your journey.
I cannot recommend the site enough if you are looking to make healthy changes to your lifestyle. Thank you Vicki for all your knowledge and support xx I would recommend & tell anyone to join!