Setbacks…..are they just part of life? Do they come along to challenge us? Test us to level up? I am experiencing a big setback right now, its most certainly challenging me and i’m hoping for an almighty level up!!!!!!!
In this blog i want to talk to you about how i am attacking this setback and hopefully it will help you too, if not now but at some point in the future when maybe you experience a setback.
Setbacks are rubbish. They can challenge you, it’s OK to feel and take some time to yourself! There have been days i’ve wanted to shut myself away from the world, i have listened to myself on these days and done just that. However, we also need to know when its time to not allow ourselves to continue to do that!
Focus on what you CAN control!! It’s not easy when the setback is strong BUT what is your other option?? Give up and make yourself feel even worse?? Write lists of things you CAN do. Then work through them.
Dig deep, turning your negative thoughts to positive as much as you can. When those sabotaging thoughts come in, turn them around, get grateful and think about the bigger picture and what you can do. With setbacks i think we have to do a lot of what we do not want to do BUT sometimes its doing lots of this to come out the other side in one piece.
Setbacks happen!!!! That’s life, it’s part of being alive!! Do we lay down and give up or do we drive forward to overcome it??? I see setbacks as a test………what is this going to bring to my life? Yep, sulking over the setback is normal 😉 but how are we going to react? We have a choice!
Setbacks are temporary!!!! Plan what happens after!!! Whats your choice?? Choose to be broken by the setback or choose to grow from the setback? Look at your life on a big long timescale, the setback is just a small part of the timescale and will end. Sometimes these setbacks happen exactly at the right time to show us or teach us something very specific!
Are you suffering with a setback? An injury? Mental health? Then reach out, let me help! If i can give you just one piece of advice that can help!
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