How do you motivate yourself?
Motivation is so hard….does this sound familiar? I know it’s something I am hearing a lot right now, you are not alone. These unfamiliar times, uncertainty and relentless home schooling may be something to do with your motivation slipping!!
But I am going to be totally honest, unapologetically speak my truth and get a little tough love here.
There are so many reasons WHY my motivation is at the centre of everything I do. I eat well, move and look after myself. There is one common reason WHY and that’s to FEEL GOOD!!
If you are feeling rubbish right now, then eating well, moving and looking after yourself will only make you feel better, not worse!
What are the reasons behind motivation?
It’s important we are clear on our reasons why. Losing weight is never motivation enough and should always come bottom of that list! It can be our initial trigger to change the way we eat and to train BUT for the long term our reasons why need to go deeper than that.
Your motivation could be about your own health, to provide a positive role model to your children, to show up confidently in your business or career, to be the best wife/partner you can be, to live an extraordinary life, to be truly confident in your own skin, to buy clothes that you love – not clothes that just fit……………
Yes, of course, the body transformation is inevitable but it is never reason enough for long term motivation and fat loss. There has to be MORE. I find that women reach that weight loss goal then give up……….that motivation has been reached so what more do you need to do?
Writing down your whys can be motivation enough
So here is where I set you a task! Sit down, just you and think about your reasons why and write them down in a list! Use colourful pens, a new notebook or journal and dig deep – trust me it’s worth it.
Once you have written this list of your WHYS, keep reading them, over and over again. Use those reasons to gain your motivation and move forward. Losing weight or losing fat doesn’t have to become unimportant, it still makes the list BUT it’s not your only motivation – it goes deeper than that.
Once we can shift our mindset and start focusing on more than the visual changes, motivation becomes easier and eventually effortless!
My mission…… help women find the best version of themselves and effortlessly!