
I meet people everyday that have been doing the same routine in the gym for years, cardio machines, a few weights machines and some “abs” at the end. The most common thing i also hear is “i go to the gym but nothing changes”………….no surprise if the body has been doing the same thing for months or years!

I change my programme every 3-4 weeks……why? For one, i get bored! When i get bored, i do not want to do it. Two, everyones body NEEDS change, it needs to be shocked with new exercises, different repetitions, HIIT, no HIIT, heavy weights, light weights etc. If you are not sore the day after you train something needs to change, come out of your comfort zone as this is ONLY when the body will change how you want it to.

Comfort Zone

How do you go about changing your gym programme? Get yourself a trainer! The days of personal trainers being for the rich are over………invest in your health and body, it does not have to be weekly, or monthly, it can be every 8-12 weeks to change up everything which for most is affordable. Someone professional and experienced in programme design is your best, most time effective way of having your programme changed. Why? Programme design to get optimal results is hard, training correctly is specific and in my eyes only a professional experienced trainer can provide this.

We are ALL busy with careers, children, husbands and homes so do not waste your time doing the same exercise programme time and time again 🙂 Get out of that comfort zone 😉

Vicki has helped hundreds of women change for the better, are you ready to join them?


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