
Things are definitely not normal!

What a strange, unsettling time we are all in. It’s surreal, lonely and isolating, but in that very surreal way, we are here together as a nation, all trying to do our best.  The term ‘global partners’ always made me think of large corporations, but during these times I feel closer to our global neighbours more than ever. We are here together, holding hands – like an invisible Mexican wave of solidarity. Positivity is the trait we need to dig deep for.

It is a different way of life…for now

I am adjusting and slowly getting my head around this “way of life”. I am learning all about “online personal training” and adapting my business! Positivity in my line of work is essential so I can carry on helping my clients stick to their routine. However, I don’t know about you, but this CANNOT become our new normal. I miss the connection and I miss face to face communication, but we are here together and I am certainly going to emerge from this stronger!

Training has become (even more than before!) my absolute saviour! It’s a positive release for me and gives me those happy hormones which I think you’ll all agree we need right now. 

But, there are some gains to be had!

You know what they say – positivity always comes out of a negative and that is definitely happening in my kitchen!  I am getting really good at using ALL I have in the fridge the odd bits of veg that was due to go off! I am experimenting and cooking different things (the gift of time!) and as a family we are here together,  eating together and really healthily……with the odd bit of cake thrown in of course – my husband has taken a liking to baking – this could be dangerous!!!!!

Another new experience for me is that I am cleaning! I’m not ashamed to say I had a cleaner before this s*it storm. I am deep cleaning one room at a time……it’s quite cleansing for the soul! Who knew how dirty your house is underneath the surface!!!!! I think lots of you are nodding right now?!

Sometimes we just have to look at the positives

My children are loving all this time we have together. It’s most certainly a positive in such a negative situation.  I honestly think this is the most time as a family of four we have ever spent together! “Maternity leave” for me just didn’t happen with either of my babies. I was back at work incredibly quick post babies, so it’s quite special to have this time! My husband said the other day that we will look back and feel blessed that we got this time with our young children – something our parents or grandparents NEVER had! I am truly grateful that we are here together with them cocooned in our world isolation.

Take stock, and count your blessings

It’s important to reflect,  learn and grow from times like this. I am a huge believer that things happen for a reason, it’s part of our life plan and it WILL take us down a path and lead us into the next part of our journey of life.  All these obstacles thrown at us are here to test us, test our resilience, test our patience and test our strength! We are human after all and positivity isn’t always easy to practice 24/7!

Positivity and being grateful at every opportunity is so important right now. Reach out, talk to your loved ones, use the wonderful technology available to us and take each day as it comes.  This will end, we are here together and we will come out the other side. There is light at the end of this tunnel! Try and keep routine, some of your “normals” and TRY your hardest to look after YOU. Come out of this stronger, feeling like you helped yourself and propel yourself into the next stage of your journey post covid-19!!

Sending huge amounts of health, love and virtual hugs!  If you want to take ownership of your own positivity right now, take a look at my online membership site!!

Vicki has helped hundreds of women change for the better, are you ready to join them?


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