
Turning I Can’t Into I Can

Turning i can’t into i can may feel impossible to you who has said “i can’t” for so long……….let me give you some tips on changing this

Ban Can’t From Your Vocabulary

STOP using can’t.  BAN it from your vocabulary!  Every time you say “i can’t” ask yourself how you can adapt so you can…….find a way rather than admit defeat!!!  Remember the more you do a certain thing, the more you do that certain thing!!!  “i can’t” just becomes your default in EVERYTHING you do after time!  Be more I CAN even if its adapted or altered to work for YOU!

Find A Way

FIND A WAY!  What would you say to your children our best friend if they said they “CAN’T”?  You would encourage them to find a way!  You would suggest ways they CAN……take that advice yourself!

Meet Donna!! She absolutely PROVED she CAN!!

You Must TRY!!

TRY!  Do not decide you cannot do something until you TRY!  If that way doesn’t work you can adapt and find a way that you can!  I see people NOT try ALL THE TIME because they are not willing to find a way………..There is ALWAYS a way!

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Fear Of Failure

Sometimes those things we say we cannot do we actually can…….we are just too scared to fail at them or feel it would take too much sacrifice to make it happen!!  Yep, its scary to step out of our comfort zone!  Yep, sometimes things that are “hard” we want to avoid but in all honesty all of this keeps us stuck, stuck exactly where we are!!

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