Top Tips For The Festive Period
Top tips for the festive period…….do you just say F**K it and start “again” in January or do you actually do something DIFFERENT this year and actually break the norm and start NOW, before Christmas, during Christmas and wake up in January AHEAD? Here are some top tips from me to you;
damage control your way through xmas
Damage control. Plan how you will damage control your social events! Train on the day you are “out out”. Eat really really well all day before an event. Train hard and eat well on the days up to an event. Train that bit harder on days you know you will indulge! MOVE!! Get your steps up and damage control the festive period……..if you decide “whats the point” then you will have a HUGE mountain to climb in January!!! You can indulge and ENJOY Christmas FULLY if you know the tools and tricks to damage control.
do not give up on yourself again!
DO NOT GIVE UP ON YOURSELF and use that mindset “oh i will start again in January!!” Its not smart, its a huge mistake to do this and WILL end in you feeling terrible in January, a new year of opportunity!!! How about this year you start January AHEAD!!?? I see women EVERY SINGLE year use Christmas as an excuse as to why they cannot do something………be different this year…….
let it go……..
Let go of the F**K it mentality!! 100% in, 100% out…….how about 60% eating well, training and being mindful and 40% enjoying Christmas and everything that comes with it!! SIMPLE STUFF!!
get moving!
MOVE. Wrap up warm and get out in nature! Make it non negotiable to get steps IN, smell the fresh crisp air and move! It helps damage control those mince pies and after work drinks!
fail to plan, plan to fail….
Plan for 2022…….be clear on where you want to be in 2022. Your health, your fitness, your business, your career, holidays, your family………then focus on these things becoming a reality and moving closer towards them……sounds woo woo but when there is a plan we are less likely to completely de rail!!!! KNOW your reasons WHY and remind yourself of them daily.
Need help? Want to START before Christmas? I am HERE FOR YOU!! Reach out, let me help and lets come up with a plan?